Hardware Inventory
Desktop Computers
Every teacher uses a PC in their classroom. They are used to run the lessons that are presented on the Viewsonic boards. They are also used to take attendance and to handle email, lesson plans, create presentations, etc. Teachers used to have desktop computers for students to work in small groups but those have been replaced by Chromebooks.
Teachers use laptops to complete lesson plans, send emails, and create presentations. The convenience of laptops is that they are portable and can be carried home to complete work or carried to professional development meetings. The Physical Education teachers also use their laptop to generate cadences for physical fitness tests.
Our school is a one to one school. Every child in 2nd-grade through 4th-grade has access to their own Chromebook. The students use their Chromebooks to access software that lets them collaborate with their peers, read books, practice skills, and participate in lessons.
Tablets / iPads
The Pre-K through 1st-Grade has one to one access to iPads. They use these to access learning games that allow them to practice and apply skills learned in class.
Playaways (MP3 Players)
Playaways are MP3 players that students can checkout from the library. Playaways allow students to listen to a story while they read the book. They are battery operated. Students need their own headphones.
Lu Interactive Playground
Lu Interactive Playground is a system used by the physical education teachers to provide interactive physical games. Students can score points, dance, chase objects, play games etc. The coaches have a controller that allows them to control the interface and choose games and modes.
Document Cameras (Elemo)
Every teacher has a document camera in their class to project documents and objects. It allows for demonstrations that the whole class can see. This is especially useful for whole group math lessons.
Interactive Wireless Tablet / Slate
Slates are no longer provided by the district, however several teachers have them for their classrooms. They allow teachers to walk around the room while controlling their computer and writing on the whiteboard.
Whiteboard / ViewSonic
The interactive whiteboard has replaced the projector in the classroom. It allows teachers to display what is on their computer screen, document camera, or to write directly on the whiteboard. Teachers can display and use the touchscreen to control their computer so they are not tied to a desk during instruction. It is also possible to annotate over any image displayed.
Tobii Dynavox Communication Device
The Tobii communication device is utilized by the special education department and is considered assistive technology. It allows students to communicate. Motions and eye movements are converted to speech.
Digital Camera
The yearbook staff uses a digital camera for recording school events. With cell phones, most teachers no longer use digital cameras in the classroom.
LCD Projectors
LCD projectors are still in most teacher’s closets and may be occasionally pulled out for parent teacher meetings or special events held in the lunchroom or gymnasium. They allow for large scale projections.
Student Response Systems
Student response systems have been mostly replaced with software on Chromebooks and tablets. A few teachers still have working student response systems they use for classroom poll activities.
Most computers, especially laptops, have built in webcams. During COVID webcams were distributed to teachers to provide higher quality video capabilities for Zoom meetings and video lessons.
External Memory Storage
External memory storage is available to most teachers, if necessary for remote projects. The advance of cloud storage and Google Workspace has replaced most necessity for external storage.
Printers / Scanners
Most teachers have a personal printer that is synced to their classroom computer. My printer acts as a scanner and I use it frequently to scan documents to upload for lessons or to share student work and documents with parents.
Robots Vex IQ (coding / brains)
Our school has four working Vex IQ robots. These are designed to be built and broken down for endless build combinations. They have working brains, wireless remotes, and sensors. They can run program codes for autonomous driving.
Apple TV
Most teachers have Apple TV’s either hooked up or stored in a closet. They are no longer regularly used. They have been replaced with the Viewsonic boards and access to online streaming services. Apple TV is a digital media player and allows for streaming.
Varitronics Poster Maker
The office has a large Varitronics Poster Maker that is connected to a computer and can be used to print large single sheet color posters.
Midi Controller
A Musical Instrument Digital Interface controller allows the music teacher to control sound output and musical interactions between musical instruments, the sound system and the computer for music class.
Electronic Keyboard
An electronic keyboard allows the music teacher to play various songs, beats, and sounds for music class.